Thursday 16 September 2021

Common Signs Of A Failed Root Canal

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your natural teeth. In that case, it may signify that the nerve inside is dying and needs to be removed. The only way to stop this from happening is by having a root canal treatment

A root canal is a restoration procedure to save your original tooth from extraction. It is typically done as a last resort for teeth with extreme decay or trauma.

For most people, root canals last their entire lives without any problems or complications. However, it’s possible to have a failed root canal. It can be challenging to identify if you’ve had one because the symptoms are often similar to other dental problems.

In this blog post, we’ll look at some common types of symptoms that may be indicators of a failed root canal. 

What Is a Root Canal?

 A root canal is a dental procedure that preserves severely damaged teeth. Although tooth decay, dental disease, and injury often result in tooth loss, advancements in dentistry can more likely save the teeth. This dental treatment becomes necessary when the tooth pulp, which contains blood vessels and nerves, gets inflamed due to deep cavities, cracks or fractures in its enamel. Also, this method is referred to as endodontics, endodontic treatment or endodontic therapy.

A conventional root canal procedure involves removing your infected tissue, cleaning and sealing the dental canal to protect against future root canal infections. The dental professional will temporarily fill the access hole while waiting for the permanent crown to be fitted on your next dental visit. However, a dentist may place a permanent filling, so there is no need to use a dental crown.

Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

Severe pain or swelling may be experienced if the tooth nerve has died. In other cases, there is no pain and no sign of a problem until x-rays are taken at the dental clinic. Root canal therapy is necessary when the nerve tissue inside a tooth dies. If untreated, a severe infection can spread through the tooth root, causing extreme discomfort and further damage around the surrounding gum tissue and adjacent teeth. Eventually, an abscess may form that will need to be drained by your dentist. Leaving this problem untreated can lead to tooth loss. Root canal surgery is almost always successful in saving teeth. 

If you notice any signs of infection in your mouth, you should get treatment as soon as possible. It will help you recover more quickly and increase your chance of avoiding complications in the future.

Learn More: Common Signs I Need a Root Canal Treatment

Signs of A Failed Root Canal

  Many symptoms can arise when you have a failed root canal. It’s important not to jump to conclusions since most of these signs could also point towards other problems. Suppose you experience any or all of the following side effects. In that case, it is best for your health and safety if you schedule an appointment with your dental office:


The root canal procedure should relieve any discomfort, but if it becomes more painful when pressure is applied, there is probably something wrong. There is a possibility that the pain is caused by inflammation of the tissue around a treated tooth that results from pus leakage or infection.

Usually, dentists use a percussion test to spot this symptom. Still, you can do it yourself if you feel comfortable doing so.

Test the tenderness of a tooth by gently pressing down with your finger. If there’s no discomfort, try biting onto a Q-tip with that tooth. If nothing hurts or causes pain in your mouth, take something made of plastic, and tap it gently against its surface.


After a full recovery process, there should not be any swelling in the area around your affected tooth. If you notice even a little bit of swelling, call your doctor immediately because it can mean serious re-infection.

When a tooth infection progresses, it can cause symptoms like swollen tissues that are tender. If it becomes severe enough to reach the surface of the gums, it manifests as an open abscess that leaks pus into your mouth. This drainage hole is called the sinus tract. Thus, early detection is key to preventing serious complications. If left untreated, the infection could spread to other mouth or jawbone areas. Never ignore this issue because it could get worse over time if not treated quickly and adequately.

Sensitivity to heat or cold

Tooth sensitivity caused by a failed root canal can be very problematic as it is usually conditional; that means specific circumstances cause intense pain. When your teeth are exposed to extreme temperatures, such as sipping hot coffee or a cold beverage, it will immediately cause sharp pain.

It may be an indication of root canal treatment failure if this symptom occurs. Since the nerves in your pulp chamber have been removed, it is hard to feel anything in your tooth after the endodontic procedure. Suppose a patient is sensitive to extreme temperatures in a specific tooth. In that case, it means the infected nerve hasn’t been completely removed. Thus, high thermal sensitivity is a sign of re-infection.


It is essential to recognise root canal symptoms for a successful procedure. One such symptom is discolouration of the teeth. When your endodontist drills into your teeth, they remove all the necrotic pulp in the chamber and replace it with a biocompatible plant material called gutta-percha. If everything went properly and all the infected nerve was pulled out from the roots, it would cause no problems for years.

Sometimes some bleeding occurs as the dentist scrapes off the pulp. The blood will seep into the dentist’s filling to fill up the canal, and it turns brown when it dries up. Thus, it is expected to have a tooth discolouration after a root canal treatment.

Teeth whitening is a great way to deal with discoloured teeth, but it doesn’t always work for those who have undergone root canal surgery. In some cases, the filler material will re-discolour the tooth.

If your dentist successfully removed the infected tissue without removing any healthy tissue, there shouldn’t be much bleeding. However, dental practitioners can prevent this from occurring by applying a bonding agent. 

Persistent Pain

If you suffer from prolonged pain after the root canal procedure is complete, it may signify that something went wrong. There are various options to relieve the toothache. Still, it is best to see a dentist immediately if it’s persistent or getting worse. Moreover, it may be comforting to know that many patients do not experience this root canal failure symptom.

Learn More: Root Canal Alternatives: What Options Do You Have

Common Causes of A Failed Root Canal

  A root canal is usually required when you have an infected tooth. The goal is to get rid of any trace of the infection to preserve the tooth. However, with any dental or medical procedures, there is a risk of failure. In cases where there is re-infection, patients have no other treatment option but to have a root canal retreatment.


One of the biggest causes would have to be inadequate sanitation. Sanitation is vital for keeping everything clean and sterile. Still, even if your dentist tries their best, it’s not always enough.

The dentist has to be extra careful not to contaminate the access holes with saliva during the procedure. Saliva contains a lot of bacteria, so any contamination could potentially ruin an operation. Yet, it is challenging to drill someone’s teeth without allowing some saliva to enter those areas.

Broken root tip

A root tip that separates from the tooth dies and begins to rot, which causes a severe infection that dentists can remove. A dentist can remove the broken root tip. However, they typically need to extract the entire tooth first. Unfortunately, this means you will lose a tooth that may have cost you time and money to save. 

Soft sealant

Another reason for a failed root canal is the sealant used to fill the pulp chamber. Sealing material helps isolate harmful bacteria from other parts of your tooth. The seal may become compromised if it does not harden quickly enough. If this occurs, further complications may occur.

Crack or fissure

  Cracks in your tooth are usually the leading cause of root canal discomfort. When this happens, you must act fast because it reduces the strength and health of your teeth.

Sometimes, the fissures in your teeth are so minuscule that you don’t even realise they exist. During drilling, when they are sufficiently deep and damage the tooth’s root, you will experience severe root canal pain.

Final Thoughts

It can be challenging to tell when a root canal has gone wrong. Suppose you are experiencing any of the symptoms of root canal failure. In that case, it may be time to schedule endodontic surgery. You must contact your dentist immediately if there is pain or sensitivity in your teeth. Endodontic treatments should not be put off for too long.

Make sure you are getting the best treatment possible, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions about your oral health. We offer comprehensive dental care services at our dental office. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 



Root Canal Recovery: What To Expect After The Treatment

An endodontic procedure is typically performed to save the natural tooth. It can be done to treat severe tooth decay or tooth infection. Endodontic treatment is the best option because it helps maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

Many people are scared to have a root canal done, but it is usually not as bad as many think. There are some things you should do before and after the procedure that can facilitate your recovery. Moreover, root canal recovery can take anywhere from a few days to weeks, depending on the complexity of the dental process done.

Thus, choosing an experienced dentist is essential. The team will provide you with the highest level of professional care and advise you on how to best take care of yourself after this procedure.

This post will explore what you can expect after undergoing successful root canal treatment and how to take care of yourself during the proper healing process.

What to Expect After the Root Canal Treatment

Multiple factors can influence the aftercare following an endodontic procedure. While there’s no one size fits all post-procedure aftercare routine, your dental expert should be able to provide enough guidance that you know what to do and when. As such, the endodontist’s instructions are vital, so make sure you follow them carefully. 

Wait for the anaesthesia to wear off before eating anything, and it’s best not to use the teeth that have been treated until they are completely restored, or else it could induce more damage. Also, brush and floss your teeth regularly and keep a good oral hygiene routine to maintain your dental health. As for pain management, your dentist will advise you to take the prescribed pain medications for a couple of days. By following these instructions, you should be able to avoid any post-dental treatment pitfalls.

The mild pain and soreness associated with root canal recovery should not last for long. However, if it lasts longer than expected or experiences the following symptoms, contact your dentist immediately.

  • If the pain or pressure doesn’t fade after two days
  • Swelling in the area surrounding the treated teeth
  • If you experience an allergic reaction to your prescribed medication,
  • If your temporary crown loosens or the permanent filling falls out of place,
  • Uneven bite
  • The same symptoms you experienced before you underwent root canal therapy.

Learn More: Root Canal Procedure: What I Need To Know

How to Manage Pain After Root Canal:

You’ll be able to resume your normal activities in a few days after a root canal treatment, as long as everything goes well. Usually, you won’t feel pain right after the procedure; however, if your tooth is sensitive or swollen for at least several days afterwards, taking ibuprofen and paracetamol can help relieve the pain.

It is best to avoid eating anything until the numbness disappears. Since your teeth are still sensitive, it is best to avoid chewing on anything hard that could harm or further damage the soft tissue in your mouth. It will allow your mouth to heal correctly after the procedure and help you get back into a routine with minor discomfort in your treated tooth.

Furthermore, root canal treatments have a high success rate, but if you’re still in agonising pain after taking some painkillers, consult your dentist to find out what’s wrong and get it fixed as soon as possible.

What Can I Eat After Root Canal Treatment?

You might have a little appetite after the endodontic procedure. It is vital to eat soft foods and avoid hard and sticky foods because they will hurt more than usual. Also, chew on the opposite side of the treated tooth and eat slowly to avoid putting stress in your mouth.

Below is a list of foods to eat that are safe after the dental procedure:

  • Dairy: yoghurt and soft cheeses
  • Pureed vegetables or fruits
  • Smoothies and fruit shakes.
  • Soft fruits: bananas, mangoes, peaches, papaya, and avocado
  • Mashed potatoes or baked sweet potatoes?
  • Legumes like beans, lentils, and split peas
  • Grains like couscous, quinoa, pasta, and oatmeal
  • Hummus
  • Tofu
  • Eggs
  • Pudding 
  • Nut butter
  • Pancakes

What Can I Not Eat After Root Canal Treatment?

After the endodontic treatment, it is recommended not to eat hard foods or chew a lot so as not to jeopardise the integrity of the dental filling.

Additionally, some degree of tooth sensitivity is expected following the placement of a permanent crown. Therefore, you must refrain from chewing with your dental crown for a few hours or even the entire day.

In general, you’ll want to avoid hot food and beverages, as well as hard and chewy foods, until the numbness has gone away or sensitivity has disappeared, as they can aggravate your mouth and cause extreme pain.

Patients should not eat the following after a root canal treatment:

  • Crunchy foods: tortilla chips, carrots, corn on the cob or apples
  • Chewy foods: steak, gum, crusty bread, or candy (caramels, taffy)
  • Hard foods: nuts or ice
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol to reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • Avoid extremely hot food, as it could increase tooth sensitivity.
  • Avoid hot and spicy food since it can cause discomfort or sensitivity.

How Long Is the Recovery Time of Root Canal Surgery?

After undergoing a root canal treatment, it may take a few days to weeks until the total recovery is complete. There is often a slight discomfort following root canal therapy, but this should go away on its own, provided you practise good dental hygiene. Furthermore, it will not take you long before you go back to your regular eating habits. However, if the severe pain persists longer than three days, you should see your dentist for a follow-up.

Learn More: Common Signs I Need a Root Canal Treatment

Can I Smoke after the Root Canal Treatment?

After undergoing a root canal procedure, eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help relieve post-root canal pain and prevent oral health conditions.

You should probably avoid smoking for a while to allow your body the chance to recover. Smoking will adversely affect that quick recovery process. There is no doubt that smoking has many harmful effects on your well-being, including dental health. Moreover, the patient should refrain from smoking for a period of time after the procedure since their mouth is numb and sensitive.

Possible Complications after the Root Canal Treatment

The endodontist removes the infected pulp, including the nerves and blood vessels, then seals it to prevent bacteria from getting inside the teeth during the procedure. Despite the high success rate of this treatment, complications can occur during or after it’s done, and dentists cannot anticipate many possible side effects ahead of time. Luckily, these are typically manageable and don’t often happen, as your dentist will have taken precautions for most things they could have come up against when performing this type of treatment on you.

Listed below are some possible complications:


A root canal treatment removes infected tissue or dead tissue inside an infected tooth. If not done correctly, it can lead to reinfection. There are various reasons for this, including exposure from a fracture and an improper cleaning process. The quality of the filler used impacts whether or not your tooth will become infected again in the future.

If a bacterial infection occurs again, a dentist will need to assess the tooth to determine if he can repair it or if a tooth extraction is the only treatment option. This decision largely depends on what caused the infection.

Fractured Root

The removal of nerves from the tooth root can leave it vulnerable to fractures since it becomes fragile as it is deprived of nutrients and oxygen. A fractured tooth at the root or crown can happen before, during, or after treatment. Depending on the severity of your fracture, the dental professional will recommend whether he can fix it or if they need to extract the tooth. Usually, fractures that happen post-root canal are a result of teeth grinding and biting on hard substances.

Missed Root Canal

The tooth’s root is a complicated network, so sometimes it’s hard to get all of them. Suppose there are any grooves in the canal chamber or it is crooked. In that case, you may have difficulty getting rid of bacteria and dead nerve tissue on those roots for good during the root canal procedure. Hence, the bacteria left in the roots may lead to some problems with your teeth.

Final Thoughts

Root canal recovery can be a pretty unpleasant process for some people. While there is no magic cure for it, there are some things you can do to make the process as painless and comfortable as possible. Moreover, let’s suppose you are proactive about your post-treatment care and follow the instructions of your dentist or dental team. In that case, it should not take long to heal entirely and put back that beautiful smile on your face. We hope this blog has helped inform you about what to expect during a root canal procedure and how to make sure that you get back on track with life quickly after the treatment is complete.

If you are suffering from tooth pain, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule a dental appointment for a consultation and examination of your teeth. Our team is ready and waiting to help make the process as comfortable as possible.



Root Canal Procedure: What I Need To Know

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about root canal treatments. It’s an invasive procedure that most people dread. Root canal treatments are done to save teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay or trauma and are usually the last resort in terms of treatment options. This therapy has been performed for many years. It is an effective way of removing dead pulp without extracting the natural tooth. 

Root canals are generally safe and effective for most people who need them. If you are considering a root canal, it’s essential to get treatment as soon as possible. Delay can lead to increased pain and make the procedure more complicated.

This endodontic treatment is an invasive dental procedure that most people try to avoid. However, suppose your tooth becomes infected, and you experience significant pain in the area. In that case, it may be necessary for you to undergo a root canal procedure. If this sounds like something that might be relevant to you or someone you know, read on for more information about what root canal procedures are all about.

What is Root Canal?

A tooth comprises two parts: the crown, which sits over the gum tissue, and the roots. These roots are anchored to your jawbone.

A root canal is the centre section of the tooth that houses the nerves, blood vessels, connective tissue, and pulp. The pulp is the soft, fleshy centre of a tooth where all the parts necessary to keep your teeth alive are found. Meanwhile, the nerves in this area transmit pain signals to your brain; thus, it is an area capable of sensing hot and cold temperatures. 

However, let’s suppose bacteria gets in between these teeth or below your gum line to invade this soft tissue area. In that case, it’ll result in serious complications. In addition to pain, you may experience infection because there is no drainage for fluid buildup under your tooth. 

Furthermore, root canal therapy is done to save your tooth. It involves removing damaged or dead nerve tissue inside an infected pulp chamber of the tooth so that it does not spread to other parts of your body.

Learn More: What Is a Root Canal: Everything You Need to Know

How Do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?

Root canal treatments are usually done to save an infected tooth from a severe decay that would otherwise need to be extracted. 

Assume you have any swelling, discolouration, or pain near your tooth. In that case, you should consult your dentist to determine if you need a root canal. 

Here are the common signs that you need root canal therapy: 


The constant throbbing and aching in your tooth might be indicative of something worse than you think. Your pain may linger or may also come back sooner than expected after disappearing.

In many cases, the toothache starts deep in your mouth. You may feel a sharp pain that is most noticeable when you try to chew or touch it with a finger. It can also be accompanied by other symptoms like headaches, jaw aches, and gum tenderness if there’s an infection deep in the roots.

Sensitivity to heat and cold

If your teeth hurt when you drink or eat something hot or cold, it may be because the blood vessels and nerves in your teeth are infected or damaged. Moreover, those seeking root canal therapy may find their tooth sensitivity lasts long after contact with anything hot or cold. It is usually described as dull or sharp pain.


If your teeth are discoloured, you may have pulpitis. The roots of the teeth can become damaged in many ways, which result in grey-black discolouration. If this happens, it’s best to consult with your dentist as soon as possible so that they can diagnose and treat any issues before things get worse.

Swollen Gums or Abscess

Sometimes, when there’s swelling around your teeth or mouth, which may or may not be painful, but you know something needs attention. When an infection in the tooth spreads to the surrounding tissue, it can cause gum inflammation. 

Furthermore, a bacterial infection in a tooth can create pus or abscess, which is painful and uncomfortable to deal with. A periapical abscess develops at the tip of a root, and a periodontal abscess originates near the side of the root.

When the pulp tissues die because of infection, they release acidic substances that cause swelling around your root tip. Thus, any swelling warrants an immediate visit with your dentist because it could become more severe if left untreated.

Loose Tooth

When your tooth feels like it is about to fall out, you should not ignore the sensation. It can happen when there is not enough blood flow to the nerves of a dying tooth and acid from nerve death softens up bone around its root, which means loose teeth on top may indicate painless decay underneath.

Learn More: Common Signs I Need a Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Procedure

A root canal procedure is a dental treatment that removes infected tissue from the inner layer of the tooth. It is a procedure that can be done by either your general dentist or an endodontist. However, suppose it is a complicated or complex case. In that case, your general dentist will recommend you see an endodontist since they specialise in treating the dental pulp or tooth nerve tissues.


Your initial appointment, the licensed dentist may take an X-ray to see if there are any signs of infection around the tooth structure. After a thorough examination and evaluation, the root canal specialist will start by numbing the area using local anaesthesia, which helps you go through the process without feeling any pain.

Furthermore, to keep the tooth dry and clean during treatment, the dentist will use a rubber dam to encase the tooth. Aside from shielding the inside of your mouth from saliva, it also acts as a protective barrier so that if any particles or objects fall into your mouth, you won’t swallow them.

Opening the Tooth

Next, the experienced dentist will drill a hole to access the inside of the tooth. Then all the damaged, decayed nerve tissue is scraped away using tiny root canal files. They work down the entire length of the root, scraping all sides to remove any remaining infected tissue. This process clears this whole area before it’s filled with a biocompatible material to form a barrier against future infection.


The area will be sprayed with sterile water or sodium hypochlorite when the work is complete to remove any debris. A dentist sprays disinfecting solution and suctions it out repeatedly multiple times to ensure the area is sterile.

Root Shaping

One of the many essential steps in a root canal treatment is shaping the canals to fill them. However, it is pretty tricky due to its irregular shape and size. This process is performed to ensure all the damaged tissues are eliminated from the canal and give ample space for root filling.

Fortunately, most dentists now use rotary tools, which are quicker and more efficient, thus delivering better results, unlike the time-consuming manual filing that was used in the past.

Root Filling –

After your tooth is thoroughly cleaned, it is sealed. Suppose it is a complex procedure that cannot be completed in one dental visit. In that case, the dentist will soak the roots with medication to kill any bacteria left behind. Then a temporary dental filling is placed to prevent food and saliva from getting into the teeth between appointments. 

On the next dental visit, the temporary filling will be removed and replaced with a sealer paste and a rubber compound called gutta-percha. Filling then seals off the access hole created at the start of treatment.

In some cases, a dental crown may be needed to strengthen the weakened tooth to restore its function. Your dentist will review with you what additional dental work may be required.

What to Expect after Root Canal Treatment?

Following instructions from your dentist after an endodontic procedure will prevent any complications. General guidelines only apply in most circumstances, so you must follow the specifics given by your doctor.

You will be recommended to take pain medication and maintain excellent oral hygiene. It would be best if you also wait before eating food again while you are numb. It is best not to use the tooth that has been treated until it heals completely, as this could lead to further damage.

People who have undergone a root canal process should expect some soreness and tenderness in the tooth region. Still, they should contact their dentist as soon as they experience any of the following symptoms for an extended period of time:

  • If tooth pain and pressure last more than a day or two
  • Swollen gums
  • Allergic reaction to a medication
  • If your permanent crown falls off or the permanent filling comes out
  • Bite problem
  • You had the same symptoms before your root canal procedure.

Final Thoughts

We hope you feel confident in the information we’ve shared and that it’s helped you better understand what to expect when visiting a dentist for your root canal procedure.

With so many misconceptions about it, it’s no surprise that people are hesitant to make an appointment. But with a small investment of time and money, you can ensure your teeth stay healthy for years to come. If you have any questions or concerns about what a root canal is or if it’s right for you, don’t hesitate to contact us today.



Friday 3 September 2021

Common Signs I Need a Root Canal Treatment

A toothache can be very unpleasant, and it may prompt one to think that they should visit the dentist right away. You may qualify for root canal therapy if you have a tooth infection or severe decay.

The procedure can prevent further injury to the tooth if it is performed when the condition is mild. It keeps your teeth healthy, so long as you get it before any further problems arise.

The majority of people believe root canals are painful, but this is not always the case. Yet, there are signs you can look out for that might show that a root canal is more appropriate than an extraction.

Read on to discover what is involved in a root canal and why you need it.

What Are the Common Signs I Need a Root Canal?


Throbbing or aching in your entire tooth is a sign of an underlying problem. The pain you experience in your teeth may be persistent over time or may come back sooner than you expect.

A toothache is a deep, sharp pain that intensifies when chewing or touching your mouth. You may experience symptoms such as facial swelling and gum swelling from an infection in your teeth roots.  

Sensitivity to Heat & Cold

An infected tooth or damaged tooth may cause you to feel intense pain when you drink hot or cold liquids. The tooth sensitivity to heat and cold often lasts even after contact with hot food or cold food. The pain is usually described as dull, but can also range from sharp to throbbing, depending on the severity of the infection within the tooth. 


Sometimes, teeth are so damaged that their dental pulp becomes compromised. If you notice that your teeth have become stained with a grey-black colour, it may be due to pulpitis. Thus, you should have your regular dentist take a close examination of your teeth and see what needs fixing before it gets severe.

Swollen gums or Abscess

Swelling around the teeth and mouth is a common problem that may be accompanied by pain, but not always. An infection in one or more of your teeth can spread through the soft tissue, causing inflammation that leads to discomfort.
Additionally, a dental abscess is a build-up of pus within the gum tissue. Bacteria usually cause this condition, which can be painful. It usually occurs near the root of a tooth. Periapical abscesses originate at the tooth root tip, and periodontal abscesses form close to one side of the root. 

Whenever your tooth pulp tissue becomes infected and dies, it releases an acidic matter which causes swelling around the root tip. When experiencing swelling of the gums or mouth, you should see your dentist as soon as possible, since severe pain in the mouth may progress to more serious problems. 

Loose Tooth

If you feel like your tooth is about to fall out, pay attention to it as it could be a sign of a dying tooth. A loose tooth can often mean unseen tooth decay or nerve damage as the dying nerves and acid soften the bone around the root of the tooth.

Learn More: What Is a Root Canal: Everything You Need to Know

Root Canal Procedure

A root canal is a dental procedure that restores your natural teeth to health. It can relieve the severe tooth pain you have been experiencing in your decayed teeth and stop it from getting worse. A root canal is usually an outpatient procedure, meaning you won’t stay overnight in the hospital. It will be done by a dentist or an endodontist, a specialist who diagnoses and treats persistent tooth pain.


On your first appointment at the dental office, the dentist may take a dental X-ray to look for signs of tooth infection around the mouth. Once the evaluation is done and you need root canal therapy, they will numb the area to get through the process without sensing any pain.

To ensure that the tooth stays clean and dry while in treatment, your dentist will cover it with a rubber dam. The rubber sheet serves as a barrier to keep saliva from getting inside the tooth and acts as an additional safety precaution if anything falls into your mouth.

Opening the Tooth

Next, the dental professional will drill a hole to expose the centre of your tooth. Using a tiny root canal file, the dentist will scrape away all the infected tissue deep inside it, leaving no trace behind. A biocompatible material will fill it and form an impenetrable barrier against future infections.


The dentist will ensure that the area is completely sterile by spraying it with a disinfectant solution and suctioning out any debris. They’ll do this many times to ensure that all bacteria is eliminated from your mouth.

Root Shaping

This step is essential for endodontic treatment, yet it can be difficult due to the irregular shape of the canal. This process ensures that all damaged tissue is removed from the canals to provide space for a dental filling.

In the past, dentists had to spend a lot of time and effort filing their patients’ teeth manually, making the process lengthy. Nowadays, most dentists are using rotary tools that are more efficient and could deliver reliable and better results.

Root Filling

After a thorough dental cleaning, the dentist will seal your teeth against any deep-rooted bacteria. Suppose the dentist can not complete a complex process such as full cavity restoration in one appointment; temporary fillings are placed to keep food and saliva out of the teeth until you can schedule an appointment when all the necessary work is finished.

At the next visit, the dentist will remove your temporary filling to perform this phase of the dental treatment. The gutta-percha is inserted into a hole drilled at the beginning of the procedure and then sealed off.

An artificial crown is used to fortify teeth that have been weakened by deep decay or extensive dental work. During the process of restoring your natural teeth, your dentist will inform you if any further treatments are required.

Is Root Canal Painful?

A root canal is a procedure that removes diseased tissue from the inside of your tooth. The qualified dentist performs the treatment for around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity.

Most patients are often hesitant to get root canal treatment because they fear it will be painful; thus, they delay getting it. Root canal treatment can often be uncomfortable, although advances in anesthetic technology have allowed most procedures to be relatively painless. Still, you may feel a little pressure. Moreover, you may feel some numbness in your mouth following root canal therapy. However, this is only temporary and should disappear within one day. The process is as simple as getting an ordinary filling, but it will take longer to finish. Additionally, you may feel some stiffness in your jaw after you have been holding your mouth open for so long.

The dentist will make sure you’re comfortable before starting. The dentist will administer local anesthesia and inform you if you may need more for longer treatments.

Patients often experience extreme anxiety before going to the dentist. Even with their best efforts, some patients are unable to relax enough and need sedatives. You won’t fall asleep, but it will be relaxing enough that you won’t remember much afterwards.

Final Thoughts

Regular dental checkups can often be a tedious and uncomfortable experience. But routine dental care and good oral hygiene can improve your teeth’s health.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, reach out to us right away to prevent further problems. The sooner you fix these dental health problems, the healthier your teeth will be. We will be glad to answer any questions and arrange an examination to see if any treatment is necessary. Our team can help you look and feel your best by providing you with a beautiful smile.



What Is a Root Canal: Everything You Need to Know

A root canal treatment is just one of the many dental procedures performed to keep your teeth healthy. It is a form of restorative care performed if bacteria have infected the pulp of the natural tooth. Even though this procedure is sometimes costly and complex, doing so will prevent you from having to replace your tooth in the long run, since infection in your tooth might spread to other parts of your body and cause serious health complications if left untreated.

Most root canal treatments can be completed in one dental clinic visit, but sometimes more than one is necessary. As soon as you notice any signs or symptoms of a dental infection, you should seek treatment as quickly as possible. However, you should first consult your dentist to determine whether or not root canal treatment is appropriate for you. 

If you’re considering getting one done, continue reading for more information about what they are and how they work.

What Is a Root Canal?

In each root of your tooth, you’ll find a root canal system. A root canal infection can irreparably damage a tooth if left untreated. The infection may spread to other body parts. 

Pain in the teeth may not just cause discomfort, but it might also indicate that a problem is present. In the past, if the pulp tissue died due to damage and disease, the tooth was extracted. However, a root canal procedure is a life-saving measure for severely damaged teeth. It is usually necessary when the dental pulp inside your tooth becomes inflamed and infected. Deep cavities may cause this, as well as cracked teeth or even fractured teeth if they’ve been chipped.

Although this process can be painful, it is necessary for many people if they wish to preserve their teeth. Additionally, a general dentist or an endodontist specialising in treating teeth from the inside can perform this endodontic treatment. 

How Does a Root Canal Work?

A Root canal treatment, also known as root filling, is a common dental procedure that involves drilling deep into a tooth to remove decay and infection. An opening is created, allowing permanent filling materials to be placed inside, locking out all of the damaging germs outside. The opening is then sealed off and filled in to prevent food particles or germs from entering your body through it.

Root canal procedures sometimes require three dental visits, usually taking 30 to 90 minutes to complete each appointment, depending on the circumstances.

In the first visit, your endodontist will take x-rays to diagnose the infection in your tooth and numb it for proper extraction of the infected pulp. Once that is done, a medicated substance called gutta-percha is inserted inside the root canal to heal and inhibit reinfection.

At the second appointment, your dental specialist will carefully clean and seal the root canal to prepare it for the dental crown placed on your third visit. Now your teeth are restored and back to their normal function.

What Is a Tooth Pulp?

An integral part of each tooth is the pulp, which is composed of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels. The pulp supplies teeth with nutrients during the formation of their root structures.

Dentin is the soft tissue beneath the enamel layer. It is home to a sensitive and vital part of your mouth called the dental pulp chamber, the sensitive centre of a tooth. It has a gel-like texture that is made of 75% water and 25% organic materials. The dentin acts as hard tissue and surrounds it. Inside the pulp is where you can find the nerves and blood vessels.

When a tooth pulp is infected, its nerves are responsible for the sensation of pain. It can be challenging to know if you have an infection in your tooth until symptoms emerge, such as extreme sensitivity or a lack of pain sensation due to dead nerve cells. 

The Common Signs and Symptoms You Need a Root Canal

Unlike infections elsewhere in the body, the progression of an infected root canal is usually gradual because it often begins with tooth decay and progresses to pulpitis. As long as the crown is still intact, a root canal can be an option for treating an infected pulp. Consequently, removing the unhealthy pulp will preserve the structure of the tooth.

A toothache could be a sign of infection, especially if you are experiencing pain while eating. At some point, however, you might notice that symptoms of an infection may disappear, such as pain or sensitivity. Nevertheless, this does not mean the infection has been eradicated; it simply means that the nerves in your tooth have been destroyed, so you are no longer able to feel it.

A root canal may be necessary if you experience the following symptoms:

Swollen Gums Around the Infected Tooth 

In some cases, gum swelling indicates that root canal therapy might be necessary. 

Moreover, swelling may occur at various times, and it may or may not be painful to touch. It occurs when dead pulp tissues expel acidic wastes, which can cause edema around the tooth’s root tip. However, any type of swelling should always be checked out by your dentist as soon as possible.

Swelling in Your Face 

An infection at the base of a tooth can be painful and sometimes debilitating. A Dental abscess occurs due to bacteria that creates pus around your tooth roots in the jaw bone if left untreated. As a result, you may also develop facial cellulitis, which causes your face to swell up fast. 

This infection occurs when bacteria enter the pulp of a tooth, which may happen if you have a cracked tooth or cavity that has gone untreated.


When bacteria form on the teeth, they can cause an infection. This results in a pocket of pus called an abscess that is painful and uncomfortable to deal with. In addition, abscesses can form in different areas of the tooth, depending on the cause. A periapical abscess occurs at the tip of a root, while periodontal abscess forms at the side of a root.

Discolouration of The Tooth 

Your teeth may become discoloured due to a pulp infection. The tooth roots can be damaged in various ways. The most common is trauma to the teeth or tissue breakdown, which results in greyish-black discolouration. It is always best to consult your dentist if you notice that the colour of your teeth has changed.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

Usually, a single root canal treatment takes between thirty minutes and an hour to complete. However, depending on how complicated or how many teeth are involved in the procedure, you may need to come in for two or more visits.

The length of a root canal treatment depends on several factors, including:

  • The location of the tooth and the number of teeth are to be treated.
  • The degree of infection
  • Tools that the dentist has to use

Before you begin treatment, talk with your dentist about your need for a root canal so you know what to expect and how long the procedure will take. As modern techniques evolve, dentists can now provide root canal treatment in a short time and with the least amount of pain.

How Long Does the Root Canal Treatment Last?

Endodontics is a popular dental practice with an 85% success rate. Also, it can last for a decade if the patient maintains excellent dental hygiene. Many people go on to have their teeth worked by an endodontist for a lifetime. Moreover, for people who use tobacco products, giving up smoking will help improve the health and condition of your teeth as well as prolong any dental work you’ve already had done.

Moreover, it’s not uncommon for people to experience tooth pain years after a root canal. If you have lingering discomfort, it may be desirable to perform an evaluation and re-treatment to improve the health of your teeth.

Additionally, you may experience tooth discolouration if you undergo root canal therapy, but modern endodontic techniques reduce the likelihood. Suppose this happens to a front tooth, in particular. In that case, you may want to whiten your teeth chemically, so they are not as noticeable.

Root Canal Procedure

Root infections can be devastating. When repeated restorative procedures have been performed, root infection becomes much more likely to happen when crowns are left loose or have faulty fillings. It creates more complications if you endure trauma or an accident that cracks the enamel surface and lets bacteria seep in.

  • Preparation

After the evaluation and the treatment plan have been laid out, the endodontist will numb the tooth using a local anesthetic. It ensures you go through the procedure without feeling any pain.

Your dentist will place a rubber dam to isolate the infected tooth during treatment to keep it dry and clean.

Aside from protecting the inside of the tooth from your saliva, it also serves as a cover so you won’t choke if some debris or tool falls into your mouth.

  • Opening the Tooth

The dental professional will drill a hole through the top or back of your front tooth to get into the pulp and root inside. The dentist then removes all the damaged and dead tissues using tiny endodontic files.

Root canals are often curved and thin, so it’s pretty challenging and time-consuming for the dentist to see the inside of the tooth. They use special microscopes and light to locate the infected tooth pulp and take out every last piece. In addition, it is at this point that the tooth abscess in the tooth root will be drained.

  • Cleaning

To ensure your teeth are thoroughly cleaned, your dentist uses both sterile water and antibacterial solutions. Your dentist squirts a disinfecting fluid into your mouth and sucks it back out numerous times to make sure the whole area is sterile.

  • Root Shaping

Root canals are difficult to fill due to their irregular shape and narrow size, so one of the essential steps in the treatment is shaping them. It is done to ensure all the infected tissue is removed from the canal and provide enough space for the root filling.

A traditional hand-held file is laborious and demands multiple dental appointments. Nevertheless, most dentists now use rotary tools that deliver better results quickly and efficiently.

  • Root Filling

In cases where the treatment is too complicated to finish in one session, the dentist will saturate the roots with medication to eliminate any lingering bacteria. A temporary filling would be applied to shield the teeth, so they don’t get infected before returning at a later date when the entire dental work is completed.

Immediately after the root canals have been cleaned and widened, they will be permanently filled with a thermoplastic material that softens when heated, so it fits perfectly inside the tooth. However, an infection can recur if the filling doesn’t fill the canal and cover the entire cavity.

Dentists can now seal the roots of teeth with dental fillings, just as they do for other parts of your mouth.

Who Performs a Root Canal


Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of dental pulp diseases. Endodontists specialise in performing treatments for dental pulp diseases. These specialists perform about 25 root canals per day and often work closely with other dental professionals, like general practitioners or orthodontists.

Endodontists are some of the most skilled dental doctors. They use state-of-the-art technology to provide safe and effective treatments. Endodontic specialists spend many years in training before they can practice with precision as well as technical expertise.

General Dentist

General dentists perform root canals as well. However, these procedures are not their specialty because they do not undergo the requisite endodontic treatment training.

The numbers vary across the board, but on average, a general dentist only performs about two root canals per day. They are just not equipped for the workload as endodontists would be.

What to Expect After the Root Canal Treatment

When it comes to after-care for an endodontic procedure, make sure you follow the instructions from your dentist. Although there are general guidelines, the specific instructions provided by your doctor are what matter.

You will be advised to take pain medication and maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine. As for eating, you’ll have to wait until the numbness subsides before putting any food into your mouth. It’s also advisable not to use the tooth that has been treated until it has been completely restored, as this could lead to further damage.

In addition, mild soreness and tenderness in the region during root canal recovery time is expected. Still, endodontists recommend contacting them as soon as possible if you experience any of these symptoms for a more extended period of time:

  • If the pain or pressure lasts more than a couple of days,
  • Swelling around the mouth
  • Allergic reaction to your prescription medication
  • If your temporary crown gets loose or the dental filling falls off,
  • Bite problem
  • Having similar symptoms to those you had before your root canal treatment

Cost of Root Canal in Australia

In Australia, dental procedures are expensive. The procedure cost can depend on the number of root canals and whether you need a crown to complete the process.

As stated in the 2020 national dental fee survey, the average cost of a root canal procedure in Australia without a crown ranges between $2,000 and $3,400. However, if it is a molar tooth with three canals, it could cost around $2,760 without a crown and up to $4,760 with a crown.

Do Health Funds Cover Root Canal Treatment?

Typically, extras in Australia do not cover root canal procedures. It is often difficult to find an insurance provider that covers this treatment. To have dental treatments covered, you need to upgrade your policy with a high level of extra coverage, including basic dental care like check-ups, but excluding major procedures such as tooth extractions and root canal therapy. 

However, carefully read through the coverage documentation and call the insurance company to confirm if your dental insurance covers root canals.

Does Medicare Cover the Cost of a Root Canal?

Medicare does not cover the cost of dental services like it would for other health-related matters. People interested in getting their teeth checked out will find themselves paying for this service as Medicare only pays for some essential treatments for those eligible to receive them.

Factors That Can Affect the Cost of Root Canal Therapy

  • Location of the Infected Tooth: 

According to the American Association of Endodontists, one of the main factors is the location of the tooth that needs to be repaired. If the infected tooth is in one of your front teeth, it will be less expensive to treat. The front teeth only have a single root, while the molars have three. Therefore, more roots mean more work for your dentist and a higher price.

  • Geographical Location: 

If you live in a big city, the cost of dental care may be higher than average. The region your country is located in will also determine how much it’ll set you back to get your teeth restored and feel better about yourself again.

  • The Severity of Tooth Problems:

Another factor that impacts the cost of a root canal is the severity of the cavity and the procedures that need to be done to repair it successfully. Suppose you visit your dentist right away when you experience tooth sensitivity. In that case, the infection will most likely be minor, and it’s easier for the dentist to make a hole to remove the dead tissue and fill up the chamber. If you delay seeking treatment, an infection may worsen and become more challenging to treat, or more dental work needs to be done, adding up to the total bill.

Ways to save on a Root Canal Procedure

  • Joining a dental discount plan is the easiest way to save money on any dentistry, from routine teeth cleanings and check-ups to emergency root canals.

These programs have established networks of experienced dentists that give reduced dental care prices to cardholders. When you buy a dental savings card, any dental procedures you need will be discounted.

  • is taking dental coverage to the next level with their dental coverage that could save you up to 40% at any one of their dentists across Australia for the price of just $100 per year. Their dentists provide treatment for every visit, regardless of when or how many times you come in. dental cover is straightforward because it is not a health insurance plan with any restrictions, exclusions, or waiting periods; instead, you can find the coverage that best suits your needs. Therefore, you’ll get all the features and none of the restrictions.

Root Canal FAQ’s

Is Root Canal Painful?

Patients often worry that root canal treatment will be painful and may delay treatment because of fear. Dentists use modern anesthetic technology so that most procedures can be executed without feeling any discomfort. It will feel much like any regular filling, except that it will just take a little longer to complete. Moreover, your jaw may feel stiff for some time due to the time you kept your mouth open.

Before the dentist starts your treatment, you will be given anesthesia and made aware that during more extended treatments, more may be needed. You can signal to your dentist if you start to feel uncomfortable at any time before treatment is completed by giving a hand gesture.

Many patients are so anxious about dental treatments that they request intravenous sedatives. These don’t put you to sleep like a general anesthetic would, but instead will relax you deeply enough that you barely remember the experience.

How to Manage Pain after Root Canal Surgery

After a root canal, you won’t feel any discomfort, but your teeth will be sensitive or swollen for at least several days. If this is the case, you can take ibuprofen or paracetamol to ease any pain.

Until the tooth has healed completely, it is best to abstain from chewing anything that could hurt or further tear the pulp of your mouth. You should eat easy-to-chew foods to avoid pain in your treated teeth, and it will also help your mouth get back to normal.

However, consult your dentist immediately if you still experience severe pain after taking painkillers or if your symptoms get worse a few days after your root canal. It is a sign of unsuccessful treatment, and you may need more dental work.

Risk of Root Canal Treatment

A Root canal is one of the most common dental procedures performed today. Even so, not all teeth are perfect, and sometimes even the best-trained dentists can not save a tooth that has been severely damaged because of severe tooth decay or unsound enamel.

An abscess could also form at the root of your tooth. It would be because some of the infected pulp was left behind or the prescribed antibiotics were not effective.

If you’re not up for a root canal, your dentist might suggest an extraction. It usually involves placing a partial denture, bridge, or dental implant to replace the removed tooth.

Alternatives to Root Canal

If you don’t prefer to get a root canal, there are other possible solutions as well.

Dental Implants

An implant is not a replacement for root canals; instead, it’s only an option if tooth extraction has already taken place. Root-canal procedures preserve the teeth. If you get one, there is no need for an implant or replacement tooth. Root canals are an often preferred tooth treatment option by dentists because they are the best way to maintain oral health and keep your natural teeth intact.


Most patients wonder which procedure is better: an extraction or a root canal. Many go so far as to believe it is easier to get the tooth pulled when they may have been able to save it with a root canal. The truth is, getting teeth extracted should be considered only in desperate situations since there are many more advanced treatments available today than ever before. Missing teeth cause oral health problems that range from bone degradation to the loss of facial structure. When your dentist recommends you need an extraction, ask them why they can’t do a root canal instead. Root canals save teeth and decrease the risk of bone decay or impaired eating.

When you’ve been told that a root canal can’t save your tooth and it needs to be extracted entirely, ask your dentist about what options are available for creating a replacement. While implants cost the most upfront, they offer more long-term satisfaction because of their stability.

Symptoms of a Failed Root Canal

A Root canal failure is more likely to cause deteriorating symptoms around the previous treatment site, such as tooth pain and gum sensitivity.

  • Swelling: Although typical for several days, you experience swelling and pain. If that does not subside or increase in severity, you should contact your dentist.
  • Tooth pain when biting: It’s normal to have some discomfort, pain, or tenderness in your teeth after a root canal. But if you continue feeling any of these things when biting down, it may be because the cap was not smoothed enough or is coming loose. You should call your dentist as soon as possible so they can fix it.
  • Tooth pain months after the treatment: If you’ve had a root canal, it’s possible your tooth may not heal correctly or have any fractures. If you’re experiencing pain months after the treatment was done, get in touch with your dentist immediately.
  • Infection: If the root canal pain continues to worsen for more than a week, call the dentist as it is a possible sign of an infection, and you should contact your dentist right away.

What Can I Eat after Root Canal Surgery?

After the procedure, you will need to avoid cold food because it can cause pain or discomfort in your teeth. It’s also best to avoid hot beverages and soups until the numbness goes away or the sensitivity disappears, as they can irritate your mouth and cause pain. Additionally, you should avoid chewing hard foods or sugary foods until you’ve healed.

Following endodontic treatment, it is crucial not to eat hard foods or chew a lot, as they may cause the crown or filling to lose its integrity.

Patients can typically eat soft foods. However, it is best to use the unaffected side of your mouth when eating.

These are some of the foods you could eat after the dental procedure:

  • Dairies like yogurt and soft cheeses
  • Pureed vegetables or fruits
  • Smoothies and fruit shakes
  • Soft fruits such as bananas, mangoes, peaches, and avocados
  • Mashed potatoes or baked sweet potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Canned tuna or chicken
  • Legumes like beans, lentils, and split peas
  • Grains like couscous, quinoa, pasta, and oatmeal
  • Hummus
  • Tofu
  • Nut butter

Can I smoke after a Root Canal?

It’s crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle after getting root canal treatment because it will help you recover and prevent other health conditions in your mouth.

Following the procedure, you will need time to recover. Smoking will jeopardise that recovery process. There is no doubt that smoking is detrimental to your health in many ways, including dental health.

There is no set timeline, but the patient should abstain from smoking for some time, as the mouth is numb and sensitive after the procedure.

Follow your dentist’s instructions regarding when you can engage in actions concerning your mouth.

Can I drive after my root canal treatment?

You should be able to drive home after a root canal if you haven’t had sedation. If you’ve had any type of sedation, someone else will need to drive you home.

Most patients are not put under during a root canal, but let your endodontist know ahead of time if you would like to be sedated.

Benefits of Root Canal

Root canal treatment usually causes little to no pain and provides many benefits, including:

  • Inhibits Spread of Infection to Other Teeth

Infection typically causes a toothache. Root canal therapy removes these infections, which allows a pain-free life for the patient.

Once the bacteria is eliminated from beneath the tooth, it will be cleaned and disinfected. Treating infected teeth will stop the growth of bacteria that causes toothache.

A successful treatment eradicates the bacteria beneath the surface of a tooth, thus preventing bacterial infection from spreading to adjacent teeth and stopping future pain and tooth decay.

  • Preserves the Tooth Structure of the Tooth and Natural Smile

Root canal therapy is a dental solution to save your teeth when none of the other solutions works. Your tooth will be restored and function like any other tooth once it’s finished.

  • It keeps the jawbone healthy.

When teeth are repaired through root canal treatment, the jawbone remains stable. It helps to prevent degeneration and gum disease over time. When a tooth is lost, it can be difficult for the jaws and muscles to keep up with the changes in gum line placement or alignment of other teeth in adjacent bones.

  • Maintains Oral Health and Normal Function of Teeth

If you have an infected tooth, it can affect your health and that of your whole body. Keeping your teeth healthy can lead to better overall health, which is why you should always make appointments with dentists for regular check-ups and treatment.

Are You Awake During the Root Canal Procedure?

Root canals are often performed on conscious patients. The dentist will numb the teeth and gums with local anesthesia before performing any work so that you won’t feel anything during the procedure.

Suppose the root canal procedure is more complicated. In that case, your dentist may use sedation wherein you are put to sleep during treatment.



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