Tuesday 28 June 2022

Wisdom Tooth Pain: Signs And Symptoms, Treatment Options

No one ever looks forward to their wisdom teeth coming in. For many, the experience is accompanied by pain and swelling.

If you’re experiencing severe discomfort in your gum area where you suspect wisdom teeth are developing, it’s essential to understand the causes and treatment options available to you. Dentists may suggest wisdom tooth removal, a dental procedure that performed to extract the painful wisdom tooth.

If you have wisdom tooth pain or if you’re considering extraction, keep reading this blog post as we’ll discuss when they typically come in and the other symptoms to look for.

What Is A Wisdom Tooth?

untitled design (6)Your mouth experiences changes as you age, one of which is the development of wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the third molars positioned at the far back of your mouth. Normally, most people have four wisdom teeth, two in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw. Others may have only a few or none at all.

Since they are the last set of teeth to come in, wisdom teeth often don’t have enough space in the mouth and can develop at an angle or get stuck and only partially emerge. A tooth that fails to erupt normally because of a tissue, bone or another tooth is called an impacted tooth. When wisdom teeth become impacted, they can crowd or damage other teeth, causing pain, infection, or other problems. If you have a wisdom tooth causing problems, your dentist may recommend removing them.

What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Come?


In most cases, wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. They are called wisdom teeth because they come out at a more mature age.

However, one study has shown that the development of wisdom teeth starts at the young age of 6, and the entire process takes years, which continues until they erupt by the age of 24 to 25 completely. Also, the researchers concluded that the third molars might usually develop earlier in the upper arch (upper jaw) than in the lower arch (upper jaw) and are more common among males than females.

It’s important to note that the process of developing a wisdom tooth is unique and depends on your individual circumstances. While most people may start to notice their wisdom teeth during their late teens, some may have them during early adulthood.

How Do I Know When My Wisdom Tooth Is Coming In?

You may not even know you have wisdom teeth until they start causing pain. Without an X-ray, the only way to tell if your wisdom teeth are about to break through is to look for signs and symptoms such as pain in the jaw area, difficulty chewing, and redness in your gums that may be an indication of their eruption.

The other way to know if they are about to develop is to get a dental X-ray. In particular, a panoramic X-ray can reveal the position of your wisdom teeth and if they’re close to erupting. This type of X-ray captures all teeth and jaws in one image, so it’s a helpful tool for dentists to use when monitoring wisdom teeth development.

If the wisdom teeth are positioned close to the surface of the gums, it’s likely that they’ll start to come in soon. Our dentist can give you more information about your specific situation.

How Can I Ease Wisdom Tooth Pain?

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While home remedies may be effective in managing pain, it is essential to consult with a dentist to know the best course of action. By taking proactive steps while waiting for the wisdom tooth removal, you can find relief from the discomfort.

Ice Pack. Applying an ice pack to your cheeks or jaw area may help reduce swelling and inflammation. Using cold compress can also have a numbing effect, which can lessen the pain.
Saltwater Rinse. It’s no secret that salt water has natural disinfectant properties. In fact, a 2010 study showed that salt water mouth rinses could help reduce bacteria in the mouth. This is especially helpful for people with swollen gums around their wisdom teeth, as a build-up of bacteria can cause pain and infection. By rinsing with salt water, they can help kill bacteria and reduce discomfort.
Crushed Garlic And Ginger. A 2016 study found that garlic is one of the most effective plant remedies for killing pathogens. And when you combine garlic with crushed ginger, it becomes even more effective. To use this remedy, simply crush raw garlic into a paste-like consistency and then add fresh, chopped ginger. Apply the crushed garlic and ginger paste to your gums and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing off.
Removal. In some cases, home remedies such as over-the-counter pain medication or salt water rinses may help ease the pain of an impacted wisdom tooth. However, if the pain is severe or does not go away after a few days, it is important to see a dentist. Wisdom tooth extraction is a common dental procedure that professionals recommend to relieve the pain and prevent complications from wisdom teeth. So if you are experiencing wisdom tooth pain, don’t suffer in silence and make an appointment with our dentist today.

What Happens During Wisdom Teeth Removal?


 Simple Extraction

Before any oral surgical treatment is performed, the dentist will give the patient a thorough explanation of the procedure. This will include an explanation of why the procedure is necessary, the risks and potential complications, and how long the process may take. The patient will also be asked to sign a consent form before the procedure can go ahead.

Local anaesthesia is administered for pain management. This numbs the area around the tooth so the patient can be comfortable during the procedure. Yet, it is common to feel some pressure just before the tooth is extracted, as the dentist needs to widen the tooth socket by rocking the tooth back and forth. However, if the patient experiences pain during the procedure, they should let the dentist know immediately.

Surgical Extraction

Depending on the case, an incision and opening of the gums may be necessary to remove a tooth. This surgical procedure is indicated if the wisdom tooth is impacted, if the tooth is impossible to be removed in one piece, or to avoid injury to the nearby oral structures. It involves extracting the tooth in sections.

Once the incision has been made and the tooth removed, the area is then stitched closed. Recovery time after having a tooth surgically removed typically takes a few days. Pain and swelling are common following the extraction but should subside within a week. In rare cases, some patients may also experience some numbness in their lips and tongue, which should resolve within a few months.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?


Some wisdom teeth that erupt normally, need not be removed. Also, if it is impacted but not causing any problems, some dentists do not recommend their removal. However, most of the time, wisdom teeth that have become impacted or haven’t fully broken through the surface of the gum can cause dental problems. For instance, food and bacteria can get stuck around the wisdom teeth’s edge, triggering plaque build-up. Also, some impacted teeth that fail to erupt may cause cyst formation requiring its removal.

Signs Of An Impacted Wisdom Tooth


Sometimes an impacted wisdom tooth may not cause any symptoms until it becomes infected or has damaged adjacent teeth. Yet, common signs or symptoms may include the following:

  • Severe or mild jaw pain that seems to radiate across your face.
  • Occasional sharp pain.
  • Tenderness of the gums.
  • Redness or bleeding gums.
  • Unpleasant taste or bad breath.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth.
  • Difficulty chewing.
  • Swelling in the back part of your jaw.

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, it’s a good idea to see a dentist. They can take an X-ray to confirm if wisdom teeth are the cause of your discomfort and recommend treatment options. In some cases, wisdom teeth can be left alone if they are not causing problems. However, if they’re positioned abnormally or are causing crowding in the mouth, they may need to be removed surgically.

Possible Complications Of Wisdom Teeth

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  • Infection And Tooth Decay. Partially impacted wisdom teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay or cavities. It is because of gum flaps which causes difficulty in cleaning the area between the teeth and gums. When this happens, food and bacteria can get trapped, which increases the risk of infection.
  • Lesions (Abnormal Looking Tissue). Since the impacted wisdom tooth is unable to break through the gums, the pressure for its development can harm the soft tissues.
  • Tooth Decay Or Damage To Nearby Teeth. An impacted wisdom tooth can push against the second molar, which can increase the risk of infection in that area and damage the tooth roots of nearby teeth. The pressure of emerging wisdom teeth may also cause other dental problems such as crowding.
  • Gum Disease. Difficulty in cleaning the gum area surrounding the partially erupted wisdom tooth can adversely affect your oral health. Such problems increase the risk of developing an inflammation of the gums called gingivitis. And when Left untreated, this can lead to a more severe gum disease.

If you experience any of these complications, you should see a dentist as soon as possible. Unaddressed, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to serious dental problems, including damage to adjacent teeth and bone loss. In some cases, impacted wisdom teeth may also cause cysts to form in the jaw. Hence, if you think you may have an impacted wisdom tooth, don’t wait to get it checked out.

Final Thoughts


The presence of these third molars often causes discomfort, particularly if there is insufficient space for them to grow, causing them to develop in an awkward position underneath the gums. Watching out for signs that your wisdom teeth are coming in can help you prevent future problems, including infection, decay, gum disease, and damage to other teeth.

That’s why understanding the causes, signs and symptoms and knowing the possible treatment options for wisdom teeth can be essential for your oral health and avoid the need to undergo more invasive dental procedures.

We hope this information helps you make informed decisions about your dental health care. If you’re considering wisdom tooth removal, our dental professionals at Peel Dental Studio are willing to help you. Give us a call today at 08 9535 4900.



Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Types, Causes, And Possible Risks

Most people know that wisdom teeth are the third molars seen in the back of your mouth. What you may not know is wisdom teeth can cause serious problems if they’re impacted- meaning they don’t have enough space to erupt from the gums.

It’s not uncommon for people to develop impacted wisdom teeth. It’s so common that many people don’t even realize they have them until they experience pain or other problems.

This blog post will outline the signs and symptoms, different types of impacted wisdom teeth, their causes, and some associated risks. We’ll also discuss some common questions people ask about wisdom tooth impaction. So, keep reading to learn more.

What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

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Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars or the last adult teeth that erupt in the back of the mouth. Most individuals have four wisdom teeth, two on the upper jaw and two on the lower jaw.

These teeth develop between the ages of 17 and 21, and they are called wisdom teeth because they come in at a time when people are considered to be old enough to have “wisdom.”

If your third molars develop and erupt without problems, they can be left in place. However, removal may be necessary if they erupt partially or are stuck underneath the gums. Unerupted wisdom teeth are called “impacted”; they can be painful as they grow in an abnormal position.

The space between the gums and impacted wisdom teeth can trap food and bacteria, which may lead to problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and infections. Additionally, impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and damage to other teeth. For these reasons, it is important to have your wisdom teeth checked by a dentist to determine if they need to be removed.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of An Impacted Wisdom Tooth?


When impacted wisdom teeth are not causing any problems, they often don’t cause symptoms. However, due to continuous growth and development, these impacted teeth may suddenly undergo changes and cause problems. Common signs and symptoms may include:

  • Redness of the gums
  • Swollen gums where the wisdom tooth is erupting.
  • Jaw pain
  • Bleeding or tenderness of the gums.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth.
  • Difficulty chewing on the affected side.
  • Damage to adjacent teeth.
  • Severe pain or discomfort.


What Are The Different Types Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?


There are four different types of impacted wisdom teeth, and each kind corresponds with their position in your mouth:

Mesial impaction. It is the most common type, wherein the wisdom tooth is tilted towards the second molar which is in front of it. As a result, it pushes the second molar, increasing the risk of infection and root damage.

Vertical impaction. This type of impaction happens when the wisdom tooth is coming in a relatively correct position but isn’t able to emerge fully through the gum line due to insufficient space in the mouth.

Horizontal impaction. The wisdom tooth is lying entirely on its side and trapped below the gums. This impaction is often painful and is more susceptible to infection or damage to nearby tooth roots because of its pressure against the second molar of the tooth in front of them.

Distal impaction. The opposite of mesial impaction, distal is the rarest type and occurs when the wisdom tooth is tilted toward the back of the mouth. They may be partially or fully impacted.

What Is The Difference Between Soft Tissue Impaction And Hard Tissue? 

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Soft Tissue Impaction

A soft tissue impaction occurs when the crown of the tooth grows through the jawbone but is left stuck in the gums. This can happen when a tooth is only partially erupted, meaning it has not entirely emerged in the mouth.

When a tooth partially hides under the gums, it becomes difficult to clean leading to food particles and bacteria getting stuck between the tooth surface and the gums over it.

Hard Tissue Impaction

Hard tissue impaction is also often called “bony impaction”. It describes an impacted tooth that is still within the jaw bone. During surgery, even after incising and opening the gums, a tooth with hard tissue impaction is still not visible as they are still within the bone.

Since the wisdom tooth is completely covered and cannot break through the jawbone and gums due to an obstruction, removing them is more difficult since removal of bone is necessary.

What Are The Causes Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?


A small jaw structure can make individuals more susceptible to having impacted wisdom teeth.

Humans commonly have 32 teeth, four of which are the last to develop. When you have a small mouth, it is more likely that your jaw lacks enough space to accommodate all teeth. It may impede the eruption of wisdom teeth, causing them to be stuck under the gums, and only some part of its crown is visible (partially impacted), or it may not be able to break through the gums or bones at all (fully impacted).

What Is Wisdom Tooth Removal?


Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure to extract one or more third molars positioned at the back corners of your mouth, both on the top and bottom, depending on the case. Dentists perform the removal of wisdom teeth, and they use anaesthesia to numb the affected area and help the patient to be comfortable during the entire process.

If your dentist recommends wisdom tooth extraction, they will take a dental x-ray to see the structure of your mouth and jawbones. This helps them determine how to carry out a suitable treatment plan for an individual case.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Wisdom Tooth Removal?


Generally, recovery from wisdom teeth removal may take three to four days. Otherwise, in cases where an impacted wisdom tooth requires surgical removal, it could take one to two weeks to recover.

During this healing period, you may have a swollen mouth and cheeks that may be worse for the first few days but should eventually improve. Applying a cold pack to the affected area can help to reduce the swelling. Other side effects such as a sore jaw should subside within seven to ten days. Additionally, you may expect the pain and discomfort to be worse if the extraction is complicated.

The recovery period varies from case to case, so it’s best to get more information from your dentist to give you an estimated timeline based on your individual circumstances.

Is It Necessary To Remove Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

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While some wisdom teeth can grow in a straight or normal position and can be left alone, impacted wisdom teeth are more prone to causing further dental problems.

For example, a partially erupted tooth is surrounded by gum tissue, and only a portion of its crown can break through the gum line, leaving tiny spaces around its edges or between the gums that are difficult to clean. Food debris or plaque can accumulate in the area which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Furthermore, a fully impacted wisdom tooth can push against the tooth in front of it, potentially damaging it if left untreated for an extended period of time.

For these reasons, many dental professionals recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth, especially at a younger age when the roots and bones haven’t fully formed. This way, recovery can be generally faster after surgery. Keep in mind, however, that every situation is unique. Be sure to consult with your dentist to determine what’s best for you.

What Happens If Impacted Wisdom Tooth Is Not Removed?


Unaddressed impacted wisdom tooth allows for possible complications to occur:

Tooth decay. The plaque buildup around an impacted tooth has bacteria that can trigger tooth decay.
Damaged nearby teeth. In other cases, an impacted wisdom tooth can continually push towards the second molar, and excessive pressure can damage the tooth roots and heighten the risk of infection.
Gum disease. It can be painful to brush the area where the impacted wisdom tooth has erupted. Also, it can be impossible to clean its crown because of the gum tissue surrounding it. Over time, the bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums, and without action, it can lead to gum disease.
Tooth abscess. It is a collection of pus that forms in your wisdom teeth or the surrounding tissue due to a bacterial infection.

How Do You Know If Your Wisdom Tooth Is Infected?


Sometimes the symptoms of wisdom tooth infection are nearly identical to those of impaction. Below are the common signs and symptoms of having an infection:

  • Bad breath
  • Unpleasant taste in your mouth.
  • Severe pain
  • Gum tenderness
  • Swelling of the gums.
  • Bleeding gums
  • Dental abscess or oozing pus (yellowish fluid coming from the wisdom tooth area)
  • Jaw pain that radiates across cheeks, face, and neck.
  • Swollen jaw
  • Jaw stiffness
  • Having difficulty breathing, speaking, or opening your mouth.
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Nausea or headache

Don’t ignore any of these indications, and call a dentist immediately once you experience it. Delaying treatment may increase potential risks and require more invasive dental procedures.

Can I Prevent Wisdom Tooth Impaction?

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Developing a wisdom tooth impaction cannot be prevented but it can be treated earlier to prevent further complications. If you visit your dentist regularly, they can keep an eye on your teeth and jaw development and spot any potential problems early on. If they see that your wisdom teeth are starting to come in, they may recommend having them removed before they become impacted, thereby preventing severe pain and avoiding compromising your oral health.

Final Thoughts


The development of wisdom teeth can result in a variety of problems. One is when there’s not having enough room for them to come in, causing them to be impacted or to never erupt fully. This paves the way for future issues like cavities and infections.

Impaction is one common reason why people decide to undergo wisdom teeth removal. It allows patients to avoid the risk of dental caries, abscesses, and periodontal disease. This procedure may help ease persistent pain and symptoms and lower the risk of future dental health problems.

Seeing a dentist as soon as possible is important, especially If you’re experiencing any signs and symptoms of troublesome wisdom teeth, contact our dentist at 08 9535 4900. Peel Dental Studio offers treatment options that can help you have healthy teeth.



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