Monday 22 May 2023

Overcoming Dental Anxiety During Dental Implant Procedures: Tips and Tricks

Millions worldwide experience dental anxiety, a common fear that can lead to avoiding dental appointments and deteriorating one’s oral health. Dental implant procedures, while offering a long-term solution for tooth loss and gum disease, can be particularly daunting for those struggling with dental phobia.

Addressing dental anxiety during the dental implant journey is crucial, as it allows patients to undergo essential dental treatments, maintain their dental health, and improve their overall physical well-being.

This article will explore coping strategies to help individuals overcome their dental fears and confidently undergo dental implant procedures. We will discuss the role of a supportive dental team, conscious sedation, behavioural therapy, and other techniques that can alleviate anxiety during dental visits.

Additionally, we will share advice on preparing for a dental implant procedure and ensuring a positive dental experience. By understanding and implementing these strategies, patients can transform their dental experiences and achieve healthier, brighter smiles.

Summary of Key Points

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  • Dental anxiety can negatively impact patients seeking dental implant procedures.

  • Understanding the causes of dental anxiety, such as fear of pain and needles, loss of control, negative experiences, and fear of embarrassment, helps in addressing and managing it.

  • Recognising signs of dental anxiety, such as racing heartbeat, sweating, irritability, sleep disturbances, and avoidance behaviours, allows for early intervention and support.

  • An overview of dental implant procedures helps dispel misconceptions and concerns.

  • Open communication and trust-building with dental practitioners are crucial.

  • Relaxation techniques like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can ease dental anxiety.

  • Distraction techniques, such as listening to music or watching a video create a calmer dental experience.

  • Mental preparation and understanding of the procedure are essential for managing dental anxiety.

  • Proper post-procedure care and ongoing anxiety management contribute to a positive dental experience.

Understanding Dental Anxiety and Its Causes

Dental anxiety, a widespread concern affecting many individuals, can arise from various factors contributing to unease and nervousness during dental appointments. Recognising the root causes of dental anxiety is crucial in developing effective coping strategies for patients undergoing dental implant procedures. Some common reasons for dental anxiety include the following:

  • Fear of pain:
    Often stemming from past painful experiences or traumatic dental encounters, the fear of pain is a significant factor in dental anxiety.

  • Loss of control:
    Sitting in a dental chair and allowing a dentist to work in one’s personal space can cause feelings of helplessness or vulnerability, leading to increased anxiety.

  • Fear of needles:
    Using needles during dental treatments can trigger an irrational fear in some patients, further intensifying their dental phobia.

  • Negative experiences:
    A previous traumatic experience at a dental clinic can cause persistent anxiety and hesitation in scheduling future dental visits.

  • Fear of embarrassment:
    Concerns about personal oral hygiene and the potential judgement from dental professionals can contribute to dental anxiety.

Dental implant procedures, which involve a series of steps and may require multiple visits to the dental clinic, can intensify these fears for patients already struggling with dental anxiety. By understanding the underlying causes of dental anxiety, patients and dental professionals can work together to develop personalised coping strategies, ensuring a comfortable and positive experience during the dental implant journey.

Recognising the Signs of Dental Anxiety

To effectively manage and address dental anxiety, it is essential to recognise the signs and symptoms that may indicate its presence. Awareness of these indicators can help individuals acknowledge their fears and take the necessary steps to create a more comfortable dental experience, particularly during dental implant procedures. Common signs and symptoms of dental anxiety include:

  1. Racing heartbeat:
    An increased heart rate or palpitations may occur when thinking about or attending a dental appointment.

  2. Sweating:
    Excessive perspiration or sweaty palms can be a physical manifestation of dental anxiety.

  3. Irritability or mood swings:
    Heightened emotions or irritability can arise when anxious about a dental visit.

  4. Sleep disturbances:
    Difficulty falling asleep or experiencing nightmares related to dental experiences are common signs of dental anxiety.

  5. Avoidance behaviour:
    Consistently cancelling or postponing dental appointments due to fear or nervousness strongly indicates dental anxiety.

By understanding these signs and symptoms, individuals can better identify if they are experiencing dental anxiety and work with their dental team to develop appropriate coping strategies. This proactive approach can help ensure a more positive dental implant journey and support the maintenance of good oral health.

Dental Implant Procedures: What to Expect

Dental implant procedures involve replacing missing teeth with artificial tooth roots and crowns, restoring function and appearance to a patient’s smile. Gaining a clear understanding of the dental implant procedure can help alleviate anxiety and misconceptions related to the process. Here’s an overview of what to expect during a dental implant journey:

  1. Initial consultation:
    The dental team will assess the patient’s oral health, discuss their goals, and determine if they are suitable candidates for dental implants. This stage may involve diagnostic imaging such as X-rays or CT scans.

  2. Bone grafting (if necessary):
    In cases where the jawbone lacks sufficient volume or density, bone grafting may be required to provide a stable foundation for the implant.

  3. Implant placement:
    The dental implant, made of biocompatible material like titanium, is surgically inserted into the jawbone. Options such as local anaesthesia, nitrous oxide, or conscious sedation ensure patient comfort during the procedure.

  4. Osseointegration:
    Over the next few months, the implant fuses with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration, providing a secure base for the artificial tooth.

  5. Abutment placement and crown fitting:
    Once osseointegration is complete, the dental team attaches an abutment to the implant, followed by fitting and securing the custom-made crown.

Addressing common concerns and misconceptions about dental implant procedures is essential. For instance, while the procedure may sound invasive, modern techniques and pain management options ensure that patients typically experience minimal discomfort. Furthermore, the dental team will provide detailed aftercare instructions and support, helping patients navigate the healing process and maintain their new dental implants in the long term.

Open Communication: Building Trust with Your Dental Practitioner

Establishing open communication and trust with your dental practitioner is critical to addressing dental anxiety, particularly during the dental implant journey. By discussing your concerns, fears, and previous negative experiences, your dental team can tailor their approach to better suit your needs and ensure a more comfortable dental experience. Here are some tips for fostering open communication with your dental practitioner:

  1. Be upfront about your anxiety:
    Let your dental team know about your dental anxiety during the initial consultation or even before scheduling an appointment. This will allow them to prepare and offer appropriate support.

  2. Share past experiences:
    Discussing previous traumatic dental experiences can help your dental practitioner understand the factors contributing to your anxiety and adapt their approach accordingly.

  3. Ask questions:
    Inquire about the dental implant procedure, pain management options, and other concerns. A comprehensive understanding of the process can help alleviate anxiety.

  4. Set up a signal system:
    Establish a non-verbal communication system with your dental practitioner, such as raising a hand, to indicate when you need a break or feel discomfort during the procedure.

  5. Schedule appointments during less busy times:
    If you feel anxious about crowded waiting rooms or rushed appointments, ask to schedule your dental visits during quieter periods.

Open communication can contribute to building a strong rapport with your dental team, ultimately enhancing the overall dental experience and helping manage the dental anxiety of nervous patients during dental implant procedures.

Relaxation Techniques to Ease Dental Anxiety

Incorporating relaxation techniques into your dental visit can be highly beneficial for managing dental anxiety during dental implant procedures. These methods help to calm the mind, relax the body, and promote a sense of control, enabling you to cope better with your dental fears. Here are some relaxation techniques that can be utilised during dental implant procedures:

  1. Deep breathing exercises:
    Slow, deep breaths can help reduce racing heartbeats, lower blood pressure, and alleviate anxiety. Practise diaphragmatic breathing, which involves inhaling deeply through the nose and exhaling slowly through the mouth.

  2. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR):
    PMR involves systematically tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. By focusing on the sensations of muscle tension and relaxation, you can achieve a state of physical and mental calm.

  3. Guided imagery:
    Envision a peaceful, calming scene, such as a beach or a forest, and immerse yourself in the sensory details. This technique can help distract you from your dental anxiety and create a more pleasant dental experience.

  4. Mindfulness meditation:
    Focus on the present moment, observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you better understand your dental anxiety and foster a more accepting attitude.

In addition to these relaxation techniques, many dental clinics offer a comfortable and soothing environment, complete with calming music, scented candles, or even televisions in treatment rooms, all designed to help you feel more at ease during your dental implant procedure.

Distraction Techniques for a Calmer Dental Experience

Utilising distraction techniques during dental implant procedures can be an effective way to shift your focus away from dental anxiety and create a more enjoyable dental experience. Concentrating on external stimuli or engaging in a mentally absorbing activity can divert your attention from the dental procedure and reduce the intensity of your fears.

Here are some examples of distraction techniques that can help make your dental implant journey more comfortable:

  1. Listening to music or audiobooks:
    Bring your favourite tunes or an engaging audiobook during the procedure. This can help you to escape into a different world and drown out any potentially anxiety-inducing sounds in the dental clinic.

  2. Watching television or movies:
    Many dental clinics provide televisions in treatment rooms for patients to watch during procedures. Choose something light-hearted or engaging to help take your mind off the dental implant process.

  3. Visualisation:
    Mentally immerse yourself in an enjoyable activity or place, such as imagining yourself on a beach vacation or participating in a favourite hobby. This mental escape can help to alleviate dental anxiety and make the dental visit more pleasant.

  4. Fidget tools:
    Small, handheld objects like stress balls or fidget spinners can provide a physical outlet for nervous energy, allowing you to focus on the sensation in your hand instead of the dental procedure.

Remember to discuss your preferred distraction techniques with your dental practitioner. They may have additional suggestions or resources to help ensure a calmer dental experience during your dental implant procedure.

Preparing for Your Dental Implant Procedure

Mental preparation addresses dental anxiety and ensures a smoother dental implant journey. By taking proactive steps to prepare yourself both physically and mentally, you can help to reduce your anxiety levels and set the stage for a more positive dental experience. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your dental implant procedure:

  1. Research the process:
    Educate yourself about the dental implant procedure to clearly understand what to expect. Knowledge can alleviate some of the fear of the unknown and help you to feel more in control during your appointment.

  2. Ask questions:
    Don’t hesitate to ask your dental practitioner about the procedure, recovery time, or aftercare. They are there to help and provide the information you need to feel more comfortable.

  3. Plan for relaxation:
    Schedule your dental appointment when you are least stressed, and allow yourself plenty of time to arrive at the dental clinic without feeling rushed. Before your appointment, consider engaging in relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help calm your nerves.

  4. Establish a signal:
    Work out a signal with your dental practitioner that you can use during the procedure if you need a break or feel uncomfortable. This will help to ensure open communication and give you a sense of control during your dental implant procedure.

  5. Bring a support person:
    Having a trusted friend or family member accompany you to the dental clinic can provide emotional support and help alleviate anxiety.

Investing time in mental preparation can help reduce dental anxiety and create a more favourable environment for your dental implant procedure.

Post-Procedure Care and Managing Dental Anxiety

After a dental implant procedure, taking care of your oral health and mental well-being is essential to ensure a smooth recovery. Post-procedure care plays a critical role in maintaining the success of your dental implants and reducing the chances of complications. Here are some tips on post-procedure care and managing dental anxiety after the procedure:

  1. Follow your dental practitioner’s instructions:
    Adhering to your dental practitioner’s guidelines for post-procedure care, such as taking prescribed medications, avoiding certain foods, and practising proper oral hygiene, will help to prevent infections and promote faster healing.

  2. Maintain open communication:
    Communicate with your dental practitioner during recovery to address concerns or questions. This can help to alleviate any lingering dental anxiety.

  3. Acknowledge your achievement:
    Overcoming dental anxiety to undergo a dental implant procedure is a significant accomplishment. Take time to recognise your progress and build on the positive experience to help reduce future dental fears.

  4. Focus on the benefits: Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of your dental implant, such as improved oral health and enhanced self-confidence. Focusing on the positive outcomes can help to lessen dental anxiety and encourage you to continue prioritising your dental health.

  5. Seek professional help if needed:
    If your dental anxiety persists even after the procedure, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional or discussing your concerns with your dental practitioner. They can provide additional support and resources to help manage your dental anxiety.

By prioritising post-procedure care and managing dental anxiety after the procedure, you can contribute to a successful dental implant experience and foster a healthier relationship with your dental health.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, overcoming dental anxiety during dental implant procedures is achievable with the right strategies, open communication, and support from your dental practitioner. By understanding the causes of dental anxiety, recognising its signs, and employing relaxation and distraction techniques, patients can navigate their dental experiences with greater ease and confidence. Proper preparation, post-procedure care, and ongoing management of dental anxiety are essential for a successful dental implant experience and overall dental health.

Suppose you or a loved one is considering dental implants and would like to discuss your concerns and options for managing dental anxiety. In that case, our team here at Peel Dental Studio is here to help. With our compassionate and friendly staff, we provide a supportive environment for anxious patients and work closely with them to address their dental fears. To schedule a consultation and learn more about how Peel Dental Studio can assist in creating a positive dental experience, visit our website or contact Peel Dental Studio today.



Wednesday 3 May 2023

A Guide to Choosing Between Titanium vs Zirconia Dental Implants: The Right Fit for You

Regarding dental implants, there are various options available to patients, including high-quality titanium implants and metal-free zirconia implants. However, deciding on the most suitable implant material can be challenging for many patients.

With this guide, individual patients can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each implant material and determine which type of implant is the most effective option for their needs. Whether it’s a patient with gums sensitive to metals, or someone who desires a superior choice, this guide will provide the necessary information to help make an informed decision.

The blog also explores the latest advancements in dental implant technology, including one-piece zirconia implant systems, which have proven viable options for many patients. With these innovative systems, patients can receive the same benefits as traditional implants without using metals, making them a popular choice for those who prefer a metal-free implant.

Choosing the right type of implant for your needs is an important decision that requires careful consideration and consultation with a dental professional. We will provide the necessary knowledge to help patients make informed decisions about their needs.

So, whether you are looking for a high-quality titanium implant or a metal-free zirconia dental implant, this guide can help you make an educated decision leading to a healthier, more confident smile.

little girl in protective glasses visiting dentist in clinic. conception of stomatology

Summary of Key Points

  • Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing teeth. They offer many benefits, such as improved speech, comfort, and oral health.
  • Titanium implants have been around for decades and are known for their strength and durability.
  • Zirconia implants are a more recent option, with a more natural-looking appearance and better biocompatibility.
  • When choosing between the two, consider material properties and composition, biocompatibility and allergy concerns, strength and longevity, aesthetic appeal, surgical procedures and recovery, maintenance and oral hygiene, and cost and affordability.
  • While titanium implants are generally more affordable and longer-lasting, zirconia implants may be more aesthetically pleasing and better for those with metal allergies.
  • The choice of implant material will depend on the patient’s unique needs and goals.

An Overview of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular option for those missing teeth or who have a damaged tooth that needs replacing. They are surgically placed in the jawbone and function as a sturdy base for the replacement teeth.

Here are some critical points about dental implants and their benefits:

  • Provide a durable replacement for tooth loss: Unlike dentures, which can be taken out, dental implants are stable fixtures securely attached to the jawbone. This means that they won’t slip or move around, providing a sense of security and confidence.
  • Look and feel like natural teeth: One of the most significant benefits of dental implants is that they are designed to look and feel just like natural teeth. This means that they blend seamlessly with your existing teeth and can help to restore your smile.
  • Improve your oral health: Losing a tooth can cause the surrounding teeth to shift and become unstable. Dental implants help to stabilise the remaining teeth and can also help to prevent bone loss in the jaw.
  • Enhance your overall health: Missing teeth can make it challenging to eat a balanced diet, causing nutritional deficiencies. Dental implants allow you to eat a wider variety of foods, improving your overall health and well-being.
  • Long-term investment: While dental implants can be more expensive than other tooth replacement options, they are a long-term investment in oral health. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for years.

Titanium Dental Implants: The Classic Choice

Titanium is a popular dental implant material known for its durability and biocompatibility. Here are some key features and benefits of using titanium dental implants:

  • Durability: Titanium is a solid and resilient metal, making it an incredible choice for dental implants that need to withstand the pressures of everyday use.
  • Biocompatibility: Titanium is a bioinert material, meaning it doesn’t react with the body’s tissues or cause adverse reactions. Due to its prolonged contact with the gums and bone, this material is a suitable option for dental implants.
  • Osseointegration: Titanium uniquely bonds with bone tissue, allowing it to integrate seamlessly with the jawbone. This process, called osseointegration, helps to secure a stable and long-lasting implant.
  • Versatility: Titanium implants come in various sizes and shapes, making them suitable for dental implant procedures. Whether you need a single-tooth replacement or a full mouth restoration, titanium implants can be tailored to meet your needs.
  • Aesthetics: Titanium implants are often used in the back teeth where they are not visible. However, they can also be used in the front teeth, providing remarkable stability and a natural-looking appearance.
  • Low maintenance: Titanium implants are easy to clean and maintain, requiring no special care beyond regular brushing and flossing. This makes them an ideal long-term investment for anyone looking to replace missing teeth.

Zirconia Dental Implants: The New Contender

Zirconia is a relatively new dental implant material that’s becoming increasingly popular in dentistry. Here are some fundamental properties of zirconia dental implants that make them a unique choice for patients:

Biocompatibility: Zirconia has biocompatibility, making it less prone to triggering allergic reactions or being rejected by the immune system. This property makes it an ideal material for dental implants as it reduces the risk of implant failure.

Durability: Zirconia is strong and durable, making it ideal for dental implants. It has a high resistance to fracture and wear, ensuring that the implant can last for many years.

Aesthetics: Zirconia is a material that resembles natural teeth and can be used for implant restorations in prominent areas to achieve a natural look.

Corrosion-resistant: Unlike other dental implant materials, zirconia is highly resistant to corrosion, ensuring the implant remains stable and doesn’t degrade over time.

Low thermal conductivity: Zirconia has a low thermal conductivity, meaning it doesn’t conduct heat or cold as readily as other implant materials. This property makes it more comfortable for patients and less likely to cause sensitivity.

Reduced bacterial growth: Zirconia has been shown to reduce bacterial growth compared to other implant materials, making it an ideal choice for patients at a higher risk of infection.

In-Depth Comparison of Titanium and Zirconia Dental Implants

Dental implantation is a widely used method for tooth replacement, and the type of implant material used can significantly affect the procedure’s success. Titanium and Zirconia are two commonly used materials for dental implants, and an in-depth comparison between these two materials can help dentists and patients make the right decisions about which material is suited for individual cases.

Material Properties and Composition:

  • Titanium implants are made of a biocompatible metal that’s strong and lightweight. The metal also has high corrosion resistance, making it durable and long-lasting.
  • On the other hand, Zirconia implants are made of a ceramic material that’s biocompatible and resistant to corrosion. The material has a colour similar to that of natural teeth, giving it an appealing appearance.

Biocompatibility and Allergy Concerns:

  • Titanium implants are generally biocompatible and have a low incidence of allergic reactions. However, some patients may be allergic to titanium or have metal sensitivity.
  • Zirconia implants are also biocompatible and have a low incidence of allergic reactions. However, some allergic reactions to zirconia have been reported, although they’re relatively rare.

Strength and Longevity:

  • Titanium implants are known for their strength and durability. They can withstand the forces of biting and chewing and can last many years with proper care and maintenance.
  • Zirconia implants are also strong and durable but may not be as strong as titanium implants. However, they’re still viable for most patients and can last many years with proper care and maintenance.

Aesthetic Appeal:

  • Titanium implants are silver in colour and may not blend in well with the patient’s natural teeth. However, they’re often placed in the back of the mouth, where they’re less visible.
  • Zirconia implants are tooth-coloured and blend well with the patient’s natural teeth. They’re often used in the front of the mouth, where they’re more visible.

Surgical Procedures and Recovery:

  • The surgical procedure for both titanium and zirconia implants are similar. The implant is placed into the jawbone, and a healing period is required before the implant is restored with a crown or bridge.
  • The recovery period for both types of implants is comparable, with patients experiencing mild discomfort and swelling for a few days following the procedure.

Maintenance and Oral Hygiene:

  • Both titanium and zirconia implants require proper oral hygiene practices to ensure longevity. Patients must brush, floss regularly, and visit their dentist for regular cleanings and check-ups.
  • Patients with titanium implants must avoid using metal dental instruments, such as metal scrapers or scalers, as they can scratch the implant’s surface. Zirconia implants, on the other hand, can be cleaned with metal instruments.

Cost and Affordability:

  • Titanium implants are generally less expensive than zirconia implants, making them a more affordable option.
  • Zirconia implants are more expensive due to the cost of the material and the manufacturing process. However, they may be worth the extra cost for patients who prioritise aesthetics and want a natural-looking smile.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Titanium Implants

Regarding dental implants, titanium is popular due to its unique properties. Here are some advantages and disadvantages to consider before opting for titanium dental implants:


  • Biocompatibility: Titanium has a high level of biocompatibility with human tissue, reducing the chances of allergic reactions or rejection by the body.
  • Durability: Titanium implants are incredibly durable and can last decades with proper care.
  • Strength: Titanium is a strong material, which makes it ideal for withstanding the pressure and force of chewing.
  • Osseointegration: Titanium has the unique ability to fuse with the bone, a process called osseointegration, which helps create a strong foundation for the implant.
  • Versatility: Titanium implants can be used in various situations, from single-tooth replacements to full arch restorations.


Cost: Titanium implants are generally more expensive than other types of implants due to the cost of the material and the special equipment required for placement.

Time: The process of osseointegration for titanium implants may require several months, resulting in a longer overall treatment time compared to other options.

Imaging: Titanium implants can be difficult to see on X-rays and other imaging, making it harder to detect potential issues.

Temperature sensitivity: Titanium implants can conduct heat and cold, which can be uncomfortable for some patients.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Zirconia Implants

Due to their unique properties, Zirconia dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional titanium implants. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider before opting for this type of implant.

Advantages of Zirconia Implants:

  • Biocompatibility: Zirconia is a bioinert material, which means it is highly compatible with the human body and unlikely to cause an adverse reaction.
  • Aesthetics: Zirconia implants are white like natural teeth, making them a more discreet option than titanium implants that can sometimes show through the gum line.
  • Durability: Zirconia implants are incredibly strong and long-lasting, making them an incredible option for patients with a history of bruxism or teeth grinding.
  • Low thermal conductivity: Zirconia implants do not conduct heat or cold as efficiently as metal implants, which can help reduce tooth sensitivity after the procedure.

Disadvantages of Zirconia Implants:

Cost: Zirconia implants are generally more expensive than traditional titanium implants, which can be a significant drawback for some patients.

Limited research: While zirconia implants have been used for several years, there is still limited research on their safety and efficacy.

The complexity of the procedure: Zirconia implants require a high degree of technical skill to place, and not all dentists have experience with this type of implant.

Difficulty with removal: Zirconia implants can be more difficult to extract than titanium implants, which can be problematic if the implant needs to be replaced or withdrawn for any reason.

How to Choose the Right Dental Implant Material for You

Choosing the suitable material is important if you’re missing teeth and considering dental implants. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision based on your individual factors, preferences, and dental professional advice:

  • Consider your budget: Different implant materials come with different price tags. While titanium implants are the most common and affordable, zirconia implants are usually more expensive.
  • Think about aesthetics: If you’re concerned about the appearance of your implants, zirconia might be a better option, as it can mimic the natural colour and transparency of teeth. However, titanium implants can still provide a natural-looking result using tooth-coloured restorations.
  • Consider your health: Titanium implants might not suit you if you have metal allergies or sensitivities. Zirconia or ceramic implants might be a better option in this case. Your dentist can perform tests to determine if you have any allergies or sensitivities.
  • Think about longevity: Titanium implants have a proven track record of long-term success, but zirconia implants also show promising results. Your dentist can discuss the pros and cons of each option and help you make an advised decision.
  • Consult with your dental professional: Your dentist is the right person to advise which implant material fits you. They will consider factors such as your oral health, budget, and aesthetic goals to help you make the right choice.

Final Thoughts

Missing teeth can cause concern and affect your quality of life. Fortunately, dental implants can provide a long-lasting option that looks and feels natural. Choosing the right material that suits your needs and preferences is essential when considering dental implants. Choosing the right dental implant material can be a life-changing decision that can restore your smile and confidence. With your dentist’s guidance and advice, you can achieve a beautiful, functional, and long-lasting smile that meets your unique needs and preferences.

So, don’t let missing teeth hold you back any longer. Book an appointment with your dentist at Peel Dental Studio today to discuss which implant material fits you and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.



Overcoming Dental Anxiety During Dental Implant Procedures: Tips and Tricks

Millions worldwide experience dental anxiety, a common fear that can lead to avoiding dental appointments and deteriorating one’...